I should be hanged. I haven't written anything in what seems decades to me. Not anything good actually.
So here's an update on my life:
1) Since I arrived here I've had 4 teeth pulled and a ton load of fillings.
2) The first dentist office sucked. Mostly because I could only get an appointment once a month.
3) I got a new dentist who can get me in once a week.
4) My diet plan didn't go well. I'm still the same.
5) I have a new plan....still developing it.
6) My face has cleared up.
7) I'm hoping it continues to.
8) If it doesn't, I will research a Chemical Peel, go to a dermatologist and if s/he says it would be good for my skin- I will research a few places and get one.
9) My mom has moved to my hometown, where most of my friends are, and my little brother is living with her.
10) They live in a 3 bedroom apartment.
11) I have a plan for my Youtube videos.
12) My next dentist appointment is May 20th.
13) My birthday is May 21st....18...Ooh-rah!....Not.
14) I leave for home on my birthday.
15) I'm going to miss my Nan like crazy and most likely I will be crying for awhile.
16) I hate crying.
17) Crying gives me a headache.
18) Most likely I'll be grumpy for the next few weeks.
19) I probably won't write personal tweets much at all for the next few weeks.
20) I'll be living in my Mom's apartment.
21) I'm going back to high school.
22) I'm scared shitless.
23) I have no idea what the phrase above even means.
24) I think I'm writing too much.
25) But then again, I haven't written in awhile so in a way I'm making up for with this ultra long, super, fantastic, weird, random, babbling list.
26) If you've read this long give yourself a pat on the back.
27) There is a drink called Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash...I love it.
28) It's my favorite drink.
29) I call it a Fake Mimosa In A Can.
30) My next favorite drink is Diet Pepsi.
31) I'm watching "The Golden Compass" and I actually really like it. It's creative.
32) I have a welt from a bloody mosquito on my right hand. (No pun intended.)
33) I have to go help someone right now.
34) So I have to go now. Maybe soon I'll make another blog post. If you COMMENT on this and tell me what the hell you think about this long list.
35) Peace, Love and Magic~ Bye!