I've got a full time job! Yep, that's right. The girl whose had dreams of cash registers and vending machines taking over the world has a JOB. Working at a CASH REGISTER. At a gas station. I've been there a week, although I've worked three days and yesterday and today are my days off. I've only worked the cash register so far and I'm actually pretty confident that I'll have it down enough that I won't have to ask someone for help. Which, granted I didn't ask much help of the second and third day. I only asked for help with the lottery machine and EBT thingy...Oh and if there was a gas mix up. But I only asked a total of 7 times in those two days.Yes, I counted. I'm anal that way.
My feet hurt like hell though. But it makes me tired and doesn't interfere with my schooling so it's all good and I'm sleeping much better! Once I get off cash register duty I'll be able to face the shelves and stock them and the cooler. And all the moving, lifting heavy boxes, bending and all will help me trim my waist and arms. Which is a big plus. No paid vacation or sick days, which is a big minus but I only have two bills right now so if I get really, really sick I won't have to worry about paying the bills because I've missed work.
I started school again, which means I'll have to walk back and forth to school since my mom got a job in the mornings so with a 30 minute walk almost everyday, it'll help me lose weight too. Not to mention going to the gym again when I get paid and can do more on my feet. Oh, which reminds me about my toe. It's still healing so I can't stress my foot, which is why I have to wait another week or two before I do some more intense exercise.
Anyways, wanted to update to my friends who read, even though I still don't understand why they read what I ramble off about. Hope you guys are having a wonderful week filled with laughter =)
Peace and Magic~GLA