Monday, October 5, 2009


October 2, 2009

Internet unfortunately is not available to me daily at my house. So I write a blog every few days and figure when I go to the library or my aunt’s house I’ll bring my laptop there and update all my blog posts at once. So that’s the reason my first two posts were updated into one day.

I don’t think I ever realized how many people were online until I realized on one site that told how many people were on that particular website that there were approximately 638,521 people online. On one single website. I, unfortunately, can not remember which website this was, seeing as I was too busy looking at my brother as if he wasn’t from the family. But it is amazing, is it not?

As for my brother, he’s the eldest, almost 20 and completely narcissistic. Honestly, I think he came from Narcissus himself because he is so completely in love with himself. It’s annoying, irrational, and hilarious all at once. But I love him. He makes me laugh, plus when he does something stupid I end people the good one. Man, that sounds horrid of me. Oh well. It’s so true.

By the way, Narcissus is a Mythological Greek Figure who fell in love with his own reflection after the Goddess Nemesis heard the prayers from the many grieving young women Narcissus rejected, causing them to wish vengeance upon him. One girl, Echo was so grieved and distraught by his rejection that she withdrew from everything and everyone into a lonely area and slowly faded into nothing but a slight whisper. So Nemesis arranged for him to see his own reflection and fall in love with it. With himself. He stayed by his reflection though, and let himself die.

Luckily my brother isn’t that bad.

I know I go into different subjects as I write but it’s what happens. I realized this when someone told me but you now what? Who cares. This is mine. All this writing is mine. You don’t like it then as I said in my second post- deal. Just thought I’d throw that in there.

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