Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's One Nation Under ALL, Not One Nation Under The Government.

Dramatized. A word that describes this week to perfection. If you follow me on Twitter and have followed my tweets then you might know the run-down of what's going on. If not, then this post is for you.

Right now I'm babysitting three kids. Two girls toddlers and a baby boy. I started yesterday and spent the night, and will again till tomorrow afternoon when the kids mom and mine get back from California.

It's a terrible, unlawful, stupid, horrid thing when you are being threatened to death and the law will do nothing about it. I say this because of what is happening to a friend of the family. My mom's best friend Leanne lives in California with her two daughters and her three room mates. Leanne couldn't afford the renting her house by herself so her co-worker, her co-workers son and sister came to live in Leanne's house to help with rent plus they had no where to go.

Unfortunately Leanne hadn't known that all her room mates were alcoholics and druggies. The son of the three is 17 and walks around the house naked with Leanne's two 11 & 13 year old daughters in the house. His mom lets him. The son has also stood by Leanne's girls beds as they were sleeping, luckily they have not been harmed in any way. And the son has also had underage girls come into he house and drinking.

Now the son's mother, Leanne's co-worker, lets him do anything he wants. And she has a few arrest warrants on her as well! And her son, sister and herself have stolen all of Leanne's dishes and a few other things and a few days ago her cell phone too when she was in the bathroom. They've locked all of it in their room and Leanne is too kind and faint hearted to go in there and get it back.

And just two nights ago Leanne's co-worker physically attached her. The cops were called but they didn't do anything because while Leanne told the truth, the co-worker denied it and said it was self-defense because Leanne attacked first, which is something Leanne would never do. The police said that they could either take them both in or not, they chose not, of course.

But after they left Leanne overheard her co-workers son say to his mom that he and his girlfriend were going to hit Leanne off with their gun........Police were called and still they didn't do anything!

The room mates have been given an eviction notice from the owners because they haven't paid their side of the rent and Leanne has to move out to because the whole rent isn't paid. Now, there is a law in California that implies that if the renter lets a guest into their place then that or those guest(s) don't ever have to leave. That's what is protecting the room mates at this point.

So my Mom and Leanne's sister Lisa (which is the mother of the kids I'm babysitting) left yesterday to drive to California and help Leanne get out of the situation by moving her and her girls out of the house and getting her stuff back.

Luckily Lisa's husband's brother lives in the same area as Leanne and is going to get some friends with him to help Leanne, Lisa and my mom move the stuff and make sure no one gets hurt or in the way. They're really big guys so I'm sure that the room mates won't get in the way of those men.

Now, why I'm telling you this is for one reason: To show you that the government doesn't care about everyone like they like to lead on. Otherwise Leanne would have been helped. She called the police twice and her other sister and her mom called the police as well. Nothing was done, nothing but a check-up at Leanne's house.

Leanne was afraid for her girls's life as well as her own, you would think after all those calls that the police would get that she was afraid an do something! But was something done? NO! It may not be the actually officers fault that they couldn't do anything but it most certainly is the governments fault!

Many things need to be changed but the government doesn't see it. They see themselves and do for themselves and not for The People Of The United States. It's One Nation Under ALL, not One Nation Under The Government.


  1. the police and government won`t handle
    until something bad happens. :-(

    when i hear such things i think of michael jackson`s `they don`t care about us`.

    i hope everything is going to be better soon,
    before somethin bad happens....

  2. ...........I knew we were friends for a reason. That song is my favorite of his and I thought the same exact thing. And things are much better. My Mom and Lisa got her and her girls all moved out!

  3. you also like mj?
    great! xD

    they moved out?
    wow, that`s amazing!!! =) :-) :D
    thank god!

  4. Of course, how could I not!

    Yes, Leanne and the girls are staying at Leanne and Lisa's sother sister house. And my Mother and Lisa are coming home today but I don't know what time.

  5. unfortunately, the police "have to" follow rules and regulations--and I am NOT saying they ALWAYS do--but there is always someone looking over thier shoulder's as well.

    the only choice your friend has in this situation, if her life and her children's lives are in danger and the police cant do anything, is to move. the further away the better.
