19. A very insignificant number. However, that's how many years I'm proud and happy to say I've lived as of May the 21st. Woohoo! Just two more years until I'm 21...again WOOHOO! Now that is a significant number. Have I mentioned, ever, that I adore Vegas? Big flashy lights, a diversity of people....well I think most of them are people, and the hotels....the architecture...Gods, I'm already planning my stay at one of those many fabulously wonderful hotels. Back on track...
160. Another random number but significant to me because three months ago this number would of been 188. Confused yet?....Think of pounds....Weight...Getting there now?...Yes! I LOST 28 pounds. So I look much better and am still losing pounds. WoOt!
60. As in days. In 60 days, starting on June 1st or 7th I am going to spend 60 days writing. Hopefully I can write a novel or two before school starts again. And even more hopefully, I can get them published! But, I need to get a new desktop before I do this so that's why I'm a bit iffy on the start date.
1. A. Day. I want to TRY and write one most a day after school ends. Most difficult thing ever. Why? Because I don't have much of a life at all. I eat, go to school, browse the web, watch TV, dance and sing for a whole hour and then try my best to go to sleep. And since I've been sleeping 1-4 hours a night for the past two months, I read as if I won't live if I don't.
So, that's everything newness that's entered my life. Sad, no? Hopefully, I'll get some BIG newness. =)
Much peace and magic,
~GLA ♥
congrats on your weightloss! keep up the good work! =)