I am so sick of people and their attitudes and their "I'm better than you" shit. I'm sick of people blaming others for everything when everything is half their fault too. I'm sick of a family that fights when they say the love each other. I'm sick of siblings who act as if the shit they did wrong isn't their fault. I'm sick of people telling me that I need to get over my goddamn fear of driving and just do it like a regular person. I'm so sick of people telling me I need to get out and find a boyfriend and get some more friends. I'm so sick of seeing heartbreak, sadness, anger, jealousy and careless, self-righteousness, selfish assholes who have idea what it is like to be alone, hungry, depressed, homeless, confused and scared.
I'm so sick of saying "I'm sick" because it's so true and I find that right now I see nothgin but anger and feel nothing but disappointment in the human race because they are such greedy, selfish bastards. We as a race have no concept anymore of what being "lucky" as fucking hell is anymore because you know what, we are lucky.
Yeah we go through shit through life and we go through some happy and sad and hard times but we CAN get through it and when we don't we blame it on other people instead of shutting the fuck up and taking a few hours to think about what we can do and accomplish by getting up and taking a stand for not only ourselves but OTHERS too.
I understand I'm ranting and I understand that later on I'll most likely take something for granted and then I'll straighten up and say to myself "People have worse. You have a roof, a family, water and food."
Yeah sometimes it's not enough and sometimes we become lonely and some want it that ways and others don't. And yeah, sometimes when our "friends" ditch and ignore us it's not our fault, it's completely theirs. Sometimes families fight and get sick of each other, but to completely alienate them is bullshit. Sometimes our brothers can be selfish jerks who are arrogant and think only of themselves and we can't do anything to change that but hope that they change in the long run and still love them....And yeah that applies to sisters too.
But we as humans don't understand the concept of friends and family and love and trust, loyalty and generosity anymore. And it's sad, it's bullshit because once upon a time that is what this land (America) was founded on. Our fore fathers were true people with emotions, ideas, motivation, backbone, loyalty, generosity, honesty and so much more and what they built us humans today have destroyed with our greed, dishonestly, misdirected loyalties, and selfish ways.
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