Sunday, November 22, 2009

Twilight and New Moon- When Will It End?

November 18, 2009

Twilight. New Moon. Robert Pattinson. Kristan Stewart. Taylor Lautner. Bella and Jacob this, Edward that. When will it die down? I went into Hot Topic the other day and Heavens above! It was pack loaded with everything Twilight and New Moon. It was ridiculous. Now, I have nothing against the movies or books. Hell, I read each book in 8 hours in 4 days. I saw the movie when it came out on DVD cause I got it when it first came out. I loved the story and characters. But when you see stores with mostly nothing but Twilight stuff and hear people ALWAYS talking about the actors, the "Hot" characters and stuff...It gets old.

Now I can't wait to see New Moon. For five reasons- One, I love seeing books come to life on screen and comparing the two. Two, I want to see if the actors and actresses have strengthened their acting or if it's weakened. Three, it's a good twist in the story. I like the the author took away the beloved Edward for most of it and brought him back shortly. It gives some diversity in her writing and it gives the story better complications than the first book had. Four, I can't wait to see the new vampires from Italy. I can't wait to see which actors and actresses they used and how they've done with their characters. Five, I'm still a female so yes, I can't wait to see some hunky males with their shirts off. Sue me.

Now someone asked me what I thought of the books. It's a good story, but it could have been better. The "Vampires Sparkle" thing is just cheesy and too Hollywood for my taste.But it's someone's imagination and who am I to judge? The plot in each book was great, lots of turns and surprises, but none of the sharp turns that really take us by surprise and drop our jaws, well mine that is. (Remember this is my view, not anybody else's.) The characters need a bit work, I can only see some strengths and weaknesses, humans (and yes vampires as well) will always have more than three strengths and weaknesses. At least that's what I've observed. Each strength is reater than another but that's why we have so many. And it's the same with weaknesses. The characters are not as well devolved in personality either.

I personally think that the book Twilight was better than the movie. An from the looks of the New Moon trailer, I think I'll like the movie New Moon better than the book. But who knows? Now, I won't talk about the actors or actresses just yet because I'd rather not base their acting on just one movie. When I see New Moon, then I might talk about what I think because I'll have a more definite opinion. When all four are out though, I'll make my final verdict.

But like I said in the beginning- When will it die down? Twilight is fun and good, but it's not the best. When all four are down THEN it's the time to go all out til it's all done with. Give some other movies a chance. I don't see Transformers products or Harry Potter or any of the other brilliant movies out on the shelves, and to me those movies were much better than Twilight. But I do applaud Twilight and it's actors and crew for doing their best and making something of themselves and congratulations to them. (No I'm not being a sarcastic witch! I'm being honest)

I'm not "bashing" or "hating on" Twilight, New Moon, the movies actors or actresses, the crew or the author. I'm being honest and just letting my opinion out there. I do love the Twilight saga. I wouldn't have kept the books or bought the movie if I hadn't. If you don't like what I had to say about this, then close the window, tab or whatever your using and go to something else Hope your morning/afternoon/evening/night is enchanting.

Oh and if I didn't spell the Actors and Actress names right, please inform me, I'm too lazy to look it up. :)

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