Friday, December 4, 2009

Internet Geekess on Google Wave and Useless Nonsense

Google Wave. More confusing than Twitter. I finally got an invite and snatched it up like an aligator in a swamp filled with birds. (God, that's a horrible image.) I have no bloody idea what to do with Google Wave. First of all, I can't even use it that much because I am Internetless right now. Which sucks more than you can imagine for me, an Internet Geekess. Second, if I don't have the time to figure it out, I obviously am not going to figure it out. So therefore, when I get Internet, I will have more time and will figure it out.

Those were my two points and I think they went absolutly nowhere. Oh well. I think I just had to boast a bit about me have a Wave account. Now, I said just a few seconds ago that I am an Internet Geekess. It's not because I know so much about the Internet, because believe me, I'm still learning and will hoag as much knowledge of the Intenet as I can. I love the Internet for it's compliexities and huge developments and sea full of information. I read stories on even because I like to see what people come up with. I read random information. For instance, it is impossible to lick your elbow. And did you know that it took Leo Tolstoy six years to write "War & Peace". I've never read it but I do know that tidbit. Also, did you know that the first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone? Yeah just useless crap.

The Internet is just an amazing thing. Which is why I wish I had it so I could update more often. I have been negleting it though. I think tomorrow I'm going to write something else and update on my Landlords computer cause they let me us it when they are out, which is what I'm doing now. But I can't use Google wave on it cause they only have Internet Explorer and Google Wave doesn't work half as well on this as it does on Google Chrome.

Oh and at least 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow!........LOL! Just kidding I had to put that stupid thing in there. Comment me if you do lick though.


  1. I used to be able to lick my elbow, but I can't anymore! :( Very nice post, though, and things will definitely get better with Wave! Its still in beta, I think we are all forgetting that, lol. <3 Linds

  2. Seriously? That would be awesome in my opinoin. :) Thank you very much! :D XOXO!

  3. *Opinion. My fingers are frozen, forgive me :D
