Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Busy but Lucky New Year

I'm getting my own laptop. I'm so excited that I won't have to use this moldy ole' desktop I'm on. Got a Lenovo with 8GB of RAM and 1TB of Hard drive so I have plenty of room for my music, pictures and documents now. Windows 8, which will be a little difficult but fun to adapt to and the latest Intel iCore processor ..i7 I believe. 

But the reason I'm so, so so, so, so, very much enthused about getting my own laptop is that I will FINALLY be able to start writing my book "Why Midnight?"  without having to worry about my mom complaining that I'm using her laptop so much. I have so much I want to do with my story I don't know if it'll be just one book yet. 

Also, I'm going to learn Spanish, then Italian, then French, then Latin, then Greek, then Gaelic, then German, then....well you get it. I love languages, it's so incredible to me how many different ways of communication there are that we all too often do not subject ourselves to. It'll take time but I'm hoping to learn maybe 15 different languages. I'm even thinking about sign language. 

Also, I'm going on a diet, starting tomorrow. My mom bought an X-box 360 with Kinect with her financial aid money and we got a few different games. Michael Jackson Experience, Harry Potter, Kinect Training, Disneyland, Pixar Rush, and I have a few more on the way too. I just can't remember the specific names right now but they are all kinect games that involve exercise, except the Glee game. I'm just excited to get back into shape and start feeling good about myself.

So, I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but I got injured at my job. My neck and shoulders are messed up all to hell and have been for three months now, going on four. I haven't been to work since October 21st of last year. It's bugging me that it's taking me so long to recover because I really just want to get back to work right now. But I'm starting to be able to lift up to 10 pounds and that's awesome because I started with 2 pounds in physical therapy. 

Once I'm back at work, probably part-time because of freaking Obama and his "Obamacare." Work has to provide us with health insurance when we are at full-time so therefore to save money the guy who owns the gas station I work at will probably be pulling us at part-time and I'll have to get a second part-time job here in the middle of NoWhere, USA. So I'll be an even busier woman then. 

Oh, I went to Florida twice last year, once in June as a graduation present (finally graduated high school, at age 20) and fell in love with the area so my mom, little brother and I went in early October and my mom fell in love too so we are going to try and move their by the end of this year.

Also, it's 2013. Obviously. But 13 is my lucky number. It's my mom and dad's birthday date, the day I fund my dad online, the age that my life changed for good and bad and gosh...such a list. But nonetheless it is my lucky number so I believe I'm going to have a fantastic year. And a very lucky 21st birthday in Vegas! =D

I end here, as sitting on a stool is killing my back and shoulders and neck. And my physical therapist told me to try not to sit too long or stand too long. So until next time I leave with one of my favorite quotes by one of my favorite literary figures...

"The world is a great ocean, upon which we encounter more tempestuous storms than calms." - Edgar Allen Poe

1 comment:

  1. I`d love to read your book, so much <3

    Best of luck with your diet,
    I know you can do this :)
